About me

I am very lucky to live in the countryside, very close to a beautiful canal which helps me to relax and create my artwork.

When I was younger I used to draw on a big book of brown paper that was supported by an easel. This was my favourite place to practice at my grandparents’ house when I was staying over. They also had the best topsy turvey house, the bedrooms were downstairs almost at ground level and the living room was on the top floor with enormous windows where I could see all the houses and people. I spent a lot of time just looking at my surroundings which has helped me become more rounded as an illustrator.

This is one of the reasons why I like visiting public spaces like the coastal towns, beaches and shops. I also love woods, forests, open grassland, lakes and ponds. Ponds are one of my favourite things, because they draw in families and children who want to see all the fish and other creatures! Zoo’s are one of my favourite places to visit.

I enjoy seeing the everyday lives of others and I want to capture the beauty of all of it!

If you have a minute, please take a look at my portfolio. Thank you!
